Announcing the first digital sustainability conference

This is a draft announcement and currently in the process of being edited.
We know that the digital realm, its economy, and infrastructure has an environmental footprint like any other industry. Now it’s time for the leaders in the digital sustainability movement to come together and together take action to reduce it.
With the conference, the SDIA is bringing together the entire digital ecosystem - from software developers & architects, and product managers to electrical engineers, data center operators, and policymakers. All united in one place to discuss how we can measure and reduce the environmental impact of Digitalisation and the Digital Economy.
Together we will spend one and half days sharing knowledge, understanding how to take action, and sketching a clear roadmap towards sustainable digitalization and a sustainable digital economy by 2030.

A unique format for a unique ecosystem

From the producers of digital resources - owners and operators of digital infrastructure - to the many people making digital products - the digital ecosystem is incredibly complex. To make this ecosystem environmentally sustainable, its crucial that we can take a systems view, unlocking order-of-magnitude improvements in software, hardware, and infrastructure.
Such a unique ecosystem demands an equally unique conference format. The digital sustainability conference of the SDIA first brings everyone together, creating a shared vision of what a sustainable digital sector can look like.
Through dedicated content tracks, we break out the different parts of the value chain of a digital product answering the question: How do we reduce the environmental footprint of digital products and infrastructure and what policies do we need to accelerate this transformation. Each content track is tailored to deliver action-oriented, content-rich panels & talks that will give each actor the knowledge they need to act now.
And then we bring everyone together with a large-scale community-building exercise, mixing all actors together to discuss and create collaboration, applying the newly found knowledge and broadening perspectives. And then we celebrate.
We celebrate that we came together, that we are ready to act now, and that we - as the digital sector - can come together and lead the way towards a better future. Towards digitalization that has no negative impact on our environment and a prosperous digital economy that enables growth that does not come with a large environmental price tag.

All leaders from academia, business, and policy united

Our conference is fundamentally about sharing knowledge, facts & ideas toward a shared understanding and vision for a sustainable digital sector. That’s why we bring together the leading scientists, innovators, and thinkers from academia, business, and the policy-sphere.
It’s a unique opportunity have all the research, all the innovations, and all the enablers of change in a room together and plot a shared plan for sustainability. Together with decision-makers from across the business, this conference will be the starting point for the digital sustainability movement.

With a sustainable & community-focused conference experience you’ve not seen before

Creating a movement is about creating a community of thought, vision & commitment. That’s why we designed the entire program to create opportunities to meet new people from others parts of the value chain and make intentional connections.
On the day before the event, we bring together speakers for rehearsals and to know each other, as well as decision-makers to learn about their challenges and who they can connect with during the conference to find solutions.
On the day after the event, we organize dedicated community-building activities, and shared experiences - from cooking together, a boat trip to sightseeing, and creating space to deepen connections made during the conference.
And of course, with the SDIA, we have created a community platform that is open to all actors from across the digital sector to come together, collaborate & innovate, and execute a path towards transparency and sustainability.

Can’t make it? We will document it all.

When so many leading minds are in a room together, it would be a shame not to document it. But recording talks doesn’t do it justice either. That’s why we chose to make an effort to turn the entire conference into a report - putting together all the insights, the shared vision, the key challenges, and the path forward for each part of the value chain.
This report will be available to all participants and if you can’t make it, you can purchase the report instead of tickets ahead of the conference. Proceeds from the report will go directly to support the SDIA, our community events, steering groups & communication activities.

Digital Sustainability is happening here. See you soon.