Hackathon Concept


The outcome is broken down into an overall objective and sub-objectives to make it more clear as this deliverable will run over a few months.
  • Objective: Deliver a successful hybrid Hackathon in which teams of developers can compete on making one or multiple open-source libraries of their choice more energy-efficient. The winner receives a price money (part of the project budget)
    • Identify a suitable date and confirm it with UBA as well as the BMWK (economic ministry) for the location. Concept for the Hackathon is written and signed-off by the UBA/BMWK.
    • Hackathon website as well as supporting material is created and promotion is underway. Physical Hackathon location is set up and fully confirmed. Partners & SAWE/SDIA community are engaged to promote and expand the reach of the event.
    • Event is delivered and well documented (videos, photos, articles) as well as the results of the Hackathon is published and promoted. Price money is paid out as a donation and winnerโ€™s are widely celebrated and promoted.


Publishable content

Supporting material

  • What is a hybrid hackathon: Teams can show up in virtual setting (Zoom with breakout rooms) or at a physical location. They are not necessarily connected to each other, but only at the end when the winner is announced
  • There will be a scoreboard that shows which team has implemented the highest improvement in energy efficiency within the library they have chosen
  • We need an independent Jury to review the results and declare the winner. The jury will have 5 members. Half of the members will come from Academia and half from the software engineering practice.
  • We probably need to set a rule that the improvement can not be in adapting the tests themselves (that would be cheating)
  • We need to have our test laboratory in place by then, because they will need to test their results all on the same system so that the results are comparable
  • We focus on a % of improvement, not actual energy use (to make it comparable and someone can actually win)
  • Price money can be converted into a donation e.g. for open-source developers wanting to improve the energy efficiency of their libraries (use the same money pool tool that chris adams is using) [Award, make it more open where I can donate the money]
  • It will likely be a good idea to time the event from afternoon to evening (say 16:00 - 20:00) to enable people from different time zones to participate and to have people attend next to their normal day jobs
  • Minimal criteria for the library that people are selecting for the Hackathon โ†’ use the same criteria as for our test objects


Price money 1. Hackathon
1.700,00 โ‚ฌ
Price money 2. Hackathon (optional)
1.700,00 โ‚ฌ
Material for 1. Hackathon
250,00 โ‚ฌ
Material for 2. Hackathon (optional)
250,00 โ‚ฌ
Project Website & Hackathon Event Website
6.500,00 โ‚ฌ