Digital Sustainability Hackathon

The best way to verify and test our approach to measuring the environmental impact of software applications is to implement it in real-life applications together with like-minded developers. Hence we are hosting the digital sustainability hacks.


Coming together every other Friday to develop the tools we need ourselves to measure the environmental impact of the software we build every day. Climate action in action.
  • Every second Friday: 14:00 - 20:00
    • Short introduction: The challenges, how we approach measuring the environmental impact, recap where we are at today
      • Maybe start 15-30 min earlier for an introduction for ‘first timers’
    • Fixed program: 45 min lightning talks (e.g. 2-3x 15-20 min) - knowledge sharing on either specific problems that we need to tackle next, solved problems (e.g. from last time) or success stories
  • Who: Developers, DevOps, CloudOps - no selling, no marketing, no companies - just solving the challenge and learning together
  • Build teams that solve a specific challenge from the challenge map or lightning talks at each hackathon, e.g. 2-3 people work together on solving a specific problem (also has the benefit of meeting new people)
    • Max/Inky helps each team along, until we get some more champions who have as deep of an understanding as the SDIA and can be spread across all teams
    • The outcome from each team is either a new open-source project or a contribution to an existing one
    • It might be that one team is developing a new Open API spec that another team is implementing at the next event
  • Maybe bring Academia and leading researchers in the field to provide mentorship
  • Location: Sponsored by SDIA or members, e.g. Edge Next building, inside a data center (to give perspective)
  • Food & drinks: Sponsored by SDIA or members
  • Sponsorships do not buy speaking slots or other privileges - if you want to advertise, send your best hackers in a t-shirt and let them contribute
  • Dependencies:
    • Architecture diagram (all the open source components already build, projects, tooling used, databases, APIs, et al)
    • Challenge Map, e.g. a big Miro board that can be used every time with a list of problems that still need to solved, e.g. like EPICs
    • Potentially a test system for which we have ‘all data’, e.g. embodied carbon for the servers, physical power meters on the outside to verify any software-measurements we are making


  • 30 min - Knowledge Building, sharing the formula’s
  • 3 x 10 min - cases & examples
  • And then overview of remaining issues that we need to solve
    • List of questions


Sustainably-hosted Gitlab Server (Blockheating)
CI/CD which is footprint aware for testing (Blockheating)
Knowledge Base like Notion
Global Challenge Board (Miro)
Team Chat based on Matrix


Create the Miro challenge board
Create an SDIA landing page
Create a budget
Prepare the mailing each partner in each city
Prepare the mailing for potential sponsors

Global Challenge Board

This is the Miro board on which we manage the challenges that are to be tackled by the teams at the hackathons, each bringing us a step closer towards digital sustainability.


  • Annual, global: 4 hackathons w/ annual commitment
  • Local sponsor: 1 local hackathon for 3 month, 6 or 12
  • Location Sponsorship
  • Catering Sponsorship
  • Platform Sponsorships: Hosting, Knowledge Base, Repositories, Chat