SDIA Knowledge Hub
Local Impact
Resources for Providers
Health & well-being
Social activity & culture
Economic resilient systems
Waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE, tonnes)
Refurbished Replacement Rate (RRR)
IT Equipment Refreshment cycle (years)
Electronics Disposal Efficiency (EDE)
Abiotic depletion potential (ADP)
Green House Gas Emissions (CO2-eq)
Total Energy from Renewable Sources (kWh)
Carbon Usage Effectiveness (CUE)
Renewable Energy Factor (REF)
Server Idling Energy Co-Efficient (SIEC)
Cooling Efficiency Ratio (CER)
Total Direct Cooling Energy (kWh)
Total Re-Used Energy (kWh)
Total Flexibility Capacity provided to the grid operator (kWh)
Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE)
Energy Reuse Factor (ERF)
IT Hardware Utilisation Efficiency (%)
Network Hardware Utilisation Efficiency (%)
Water Usage Effectiveness (WUE)
Nitrous Oxide (NOx)
Sulphur dioxide (SOx)
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC)
Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFC)
WELL Building Standard
Total Energy Use (kWh)
A mobility plan for employees
Achieve a CO2 neutral data center
Achieve PUE <1.2
Achieve zero-(Fresh) Water Cooling System
Assess water safety & Flood prevention
Carbon intensity of energy consumptions of the building
Categorize water input (potable, non-potable, rainwater, energy-related) and output (non-industrial, industrial reuse)
Certified building
Circular Design of Building & Landscape
Circular Design of the building & landscaping
Closed soil balance
Commit to Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact
Community manager
Connect to public heat network or to be capture ready
Customer reporting of resource utilization
Decrease Resource consumption (ADP)
Demonstrate that the quality of soil supplied is better than that of the soil present
Display the information to end users
End user information on renewable electricity
Energy efficiency of ICT hardware
Energy intensity of designing process per piece
Extend material life in building, equipment, landscaping
Extend the Lifetime of ICT Hardware
Flexible and demountable building
Floor Space Index
For each resource provider must release a specification
Fully apply all LEAP outcomes
Green building surface
Green building surface
Implement nearly-zero energy and zero-emission building plan
Implement onsite renewable power generation
Improve health and well-being of employees
Increase efficiency with parking garage
Increase use of Second-hand Hardware Markets
Information to end users
Install charging poles for electric vehicles
Install independent building energy management system
Install your own 150 kV sub-station
Integration inside and outside terrain
Invoicing of Resource energy consumption
Limit light nuisance for fauna
Monitoring of energy and water
Nature-inclusive building
Policy on reducing climate footprint
Procurement 100% renewable energy
Public reporting of resource utilization
Publish Environmental Impact Metrics
Realise special parking spaces for shared cars on the site
Realize Zero-Pollution Backup Power
Realize Zero-Pollution Cooling Systems
Recycling of Parts for Electronic Equipment
Recycling of Parts for Mechanical & Electrical Equipment
Reduce material use in construction, building and landscaping
Require Zero-Pollution Manufacturing in Procurement of Building Materials and Equipment
Reuse material in construction, building
Sense of Place: Landscape and culture history
Separate waste collection
Set a maximum climate footprint for digital resources
SMART energy efficient lighting
Standardisation of IT Hardware
Stimulate exercise by workers; reducing car use
Stimulate native flora and fauna
Stimulate usage of car sharing services by reserving parking for car sharing near entrance of building
Sustainability as Purchasing Criterion for ICT Equipment
Turning off IT hardware not in use
Underground 10 or 20 kV cables
Urban plan and Image Quality Plan
Use Biobased materials in the building, construction and landscaping
Zero Rare Materials Consumption in the Building & Landscaping
Zero Rare Materials Consumption in the ICT Equipment
Offer customer a guideline document on reducing electronic waste through refurbishment and recycling
Offer customer financial incentive to allow on-site recovery, refurbishment and recycling of electronic equipment
Conduct an annual customer survey on end-of-life practices and use results for anonymized, aggregated reporting
Create an internal service-marketplace where customers can find local vendors for refurbishment, recycling, and re-use of ICT equipment
Track the total weight (kg/tonnes) of ICT equipment entering the facility (by weighing it) as well as outgoing electronic waste and track it
Put a Refurbished Replacement Rate in supplier contracts for electrical and mechanical equipment which is in the scope of the facility
Create an internal service market where vendors can offer and list third-party parts and maintenance services and make customers aware
Purchase ICT equipment using sustainability certifications to ensure compliance with up-to-date environmental & social requirements
Buffering and reuse rainwater
Make an effort to instal solar panels and a battery energy storage system
Providers must reduce the climate impact of owned and leased facilities by implementing energy-efficient practices or through contractual obligations for leased spaces.
PUE should be measured on a monthly basis using the EN 50600 standard (EN 50600-4-2).
A description of the API which shows the availability of near real time information on the availability of renewable electricity.
A description of the API which provides a forecast for the available renewable electricity for the purchased resources.
Submit the following to an approved verifier
Submit a monthly report calculating carbon footprint for each certified Resource
The provider may use the ITEUsv metric according to ISO 30134-5 to monitor the utilization and effective use of energy from the ICT equipment.
Submit a report with data on energy use and climate footprint from the provisioning of the certified Resource to a customer - at least on a monthly basis
Resources for Purchasers
Best Practices
Informal Network
Resources for Policymakers
Best Practices
Policy Database
Economic Impact
Environmental Impact
Local Impact
Informal Network
Resources for Local Governments
Development Models
Local Impact Assessment
Case Studies
Best Practices
Informal Network
Digital Environmental Footprint
Environmental Label for Digital Resources
Roadmap for Sustainable Digital Infrastructure
Sustainable IT
Heat Utilization
European Cloud
Data Center Sustainability Scorecard
Data Center Metrics
Cloud Economics
Digital Economics
[ORGANIZE] Standards & Norms
[ORGANIZE] Research Sources & White papers
DCF Reference Material
KPI4DCE Emission Calculation Tool
Environmental Data System
Open Data Hub
U.S. Artificial Intelligence Environmental Impacts Act
SDIA Knowledge Hub
Resources for Providers
Health & well-being
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