Procurement 100% renewable energy


  • Provider should be purchasing renewable energy from within a 50-100 km radius around their facilities through a physical Power Purchase Agreement (PPAs)
    • If that’s not available, heat recovery should be prioritized and implemented to re-use the fossil-based energy and avoid single-use & waste through cooling
    • If that’s not available, the scope should be widened to include a wider radius, until a renewable energy generation source can be used
    • If it’s possible for the provider, they should sign long-term off-take contracts with renewable energy developers to trigger to built out of nearby energy sources
    • Only energy that meet the radius & physical contract requirement, should be considered in the calculation of operational carbon emissions
  • Provider should strive for 100% coverage but communicate transparently, month-to-month, how much of the energy consumption was actually covered by renewable energy which was produced within radius, to highlight development opportunities for policies and renewable energy developers
  • Provider should not consider renewable energy certificates as part of the calculation & reporting of renewable energy use (e.g. to calculate REF)
    • They can be reported seperately, e.g. in kWh of energy use that was covered by certificates
    • The certificate should be disclosed publicly, e.g. what the country of origin of the certificates was
    • If certificates are used, they should stay in the national scope, e.g. the Netherlands to increase trust, and avoid using certificates from other countries

Research Questions

  • Research contract options and barriers on the accessibility of a PPA for small to medium scale providers (e.g. capital requirements)
  • Add an explainer on the different PPAs, certificates, etc.