Loudon Tax Incentives

In Loudoun County, data centers bring in half a billion dollars in local tax revenue a year and are on track to bring in $1 billion a year in the next decade, said Buddy Rizer, the county’s executive director of economic development. That has allowed Loudoun to put $1 billion into roads and build 36 schools over the last 15 years, he said. “That level of revenue really helps.”
Moreover, the state’s Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission determined in 2019 that “90% of the data center investment made by the companies that received the sales and use tax exemption would not have occurred in the state of Virginia without the incentive.”
Data Centers - Loudoun County Economic Development, VA
Data Center Alley is the world's largest concentration of data centers, with more than 25 million square feet currently in operation.

At a Glance.

  • Loudoun’s data centers are home to more than 3,500 technology companies housed within.
  • More than 30 million square feet of data centers are currently operational with another 5 million in development.
  • Data centers and the data center ecosystem provide more than 12,000 jobs in Loudoun County.
  • There has not been a single day without data center construction in Loudoun in more than 14 years.
  • Available incentives include an exemption from the 6 percent sales and use tax for servers, generators, chillers and server-related equipment.


Loudoun County’s “Data Center Alley” is the world’s largest concentration of data centers, with more than 25 million square feet currently in operation and millions more being planned or developed.
Much of the world’s internet traffic passes through Loudoun’s digital infrastructure, making us a key player in the world’s technology economy. Read more about data centers’ impact in the Data Center Study.

Fast and Easy.

Loudoun’s Fast-Track Commercial Incentive Program allows data center operators to get to market in record time. Our experience as a premier data center location provides an unparalleled level of confidence in the process. As one CEO recently said, “Projects here are completely proactive and collaborative in a way that gives you confidence in your investment.”

Power and the People.

Affordable and reliable power is vital to successful data center operations. The typical power rate paid by Loudoun data centers is 28 percent below the U.S. average. Loudoun also offers a best-in-class high-tech workforce that is well-educated and highly skilled. Over 60 percent of our workforce has a bachelor’s degree or higher.


We’ve done the heavy lifting. Loudoun is ready for you. Are you ready for Loudoun?

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